Wednesday 19 July 2017

Healthy food habits / Veg vs Non-veg / Communication skill

Food habits to be followed for a healthy body

Just like petrol for a car, food is important for our body. You should not eat too much food as this may slow down the processing power of the brain and will make you lazy. Today the use of chemical fertilisers have made all things polluted. So we should wash well vegetables and fruits prior use. The younger generation is more attracted towards the gas filled drinks such as Coca- Cola, Fanta, Pepsi etc. They consider drinking it as a fashion or proud. The news about the poison content in these drinks is now out. We should completely avoid these drinks. Just rely on the fresh natural fruit juices. 

Veg vs non-veg

Most of the scientists all over the world have found out that veg. food habit is best for the health. Veg. Food habit is now in tremendous growth among all. World vegetarians association once gave Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam the award for the best vegetarian. 

Healthy food habits

1) if you are fat, add honey and lemon juice to little warm water and drink in the morning. This helps in reducing the weight of the body.
2) if you are lean, add honey to milk and drink. Also, eat dry date palm.

3) at night put almonds in water, peel off its skin and eat in the morning.

4) avoid eating more chillies, salt, sweets etc.

5) avoid junk and fast food.

6) eat spinach as salad or chutney - this will help in improving memory.

7) eat papaya - prevents cancer, blood pressure, constipation, heart problems, kidney diseases.Also, helps in improving eyesight.

8) grape juice - prevents breast cancer, jaundice, kidney and heart problems 

We have to drink 2-3 litres of water daily. After waking up drink 400-800 ml water, this will clean your stomach and digestive system. We can live without food for days but can't live without water. Water is necessary for better blood flow. When your body gets enough water our face and skin will become brighter. 

Human beings are social animals. A life alone for a human is impossible. By interacting with people love, friendship, care etc will get generated in students. Students must develop a good social relationship during their school days itself. So that unity and peace can be ensured in their personal and social life. We have to improve our communication skills. To fulfil our needs and requirements we must be capable enough in communicating them with others. Communication is a management skill required for the success of a person. You should learn to communicate well with your parents, teachers, friends, colleagues. Good communication skill can provide us with leadership skills to accomplish the given tasks. Communication can be written or spoken. You must learn to cope with all type of people. You need to develop good habits. You must be disciplined. Throw away all the bad habits which destroy your valuable time, energy and life. Improve and develop your skills.  Always root in reality.  

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